Sunday, October 23, 2011

And the award goes to...

Sebrina! I'll have the review coordinator send you your copy of Lily in Bloom.  Hope everyone had fun with the blog hop. I really enjoyed meeting other authors. I can be a little shy, so don't be afraid to poke me if you see me on facebook or around twitter. I'm probably just lurking in the shadows wishing I could join in.

I'm pleased to announce that My Lady's Service is now available from Musa. I really hope people are willing to give f/f romance a try.

Thank you for all the wonderful comments.


  1. Ah sweetie....thank you so much! ;)

  2. When is Winter Companion coming out? It says Dec. 23rd but that's passed. I love this series and am looking forward to the next one.

    1. Hi Leah, sorry for the late reply. The series has been on hold because of family illness. I haven't been able to write because I'm caring for a critically ill loved one. WInter Companion will be released next winter, but there will be some new Sapphos in the spring. Thanks, Marie

  3. Aww.. I'm sorry. That's really hard. And it takes precedence over writing. I'll be watching for any new ones coming out. :D
